Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Great News For My Son .... Even If You Aren't A Parent.

Great News for Harvard

     Yesterday, at work I received a call from Harvard's pediatrician  that Harvard's insurance is covering all his Rehab  physical  therapy,feeding therapy,and occupational therapy. As a parent  its been a struggle to get Harvey to eat regular foods he doesn't put anything in his mouth for the sake of curiosity. Part of me feels guilty cause its my first time  I don't know what the heck I am doing. Least I know for the next time around get proactive read the baby handouts from the doctor. I feel I failed as a parent that his only reason for going to these rehabilitation's cause I lacked  in making sure he reached his milestones.
     I am going to change as a parent. I am only going to be  on Internet devices while hes sleeping nap/bedtime. I am going to devout my time to my son. I am no longer going to slave away  my time to my tablet,phone,and Ipod. Clearly It's the reason my son has to do these  therapy's. I  feel ashamed as a parent for being really selfish  not taking the time  For

my son who can emotionally reward me as to giving my time to a device that can't  give me such a reward.

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