Monday, February 23, 2015

Intrigued by Eye Colors ....Amber Eyes or Wolf eyes

Welcome to Rear Window

Lately, I've been reading up on  eye color articles. I never knew Amber was considered a type of color for brown. I always thought eye color was brown ,blue,and green that's it. I was wrong ! Apparently, Amber eyes are rarest eyes including green, grey,black and violet. Amber colored eyes are most common in South Asia and South America's. Amber eyes have lipochrom which is also in green eyes which give pale color of green almost grey flecks and ripples.Amber eyes get confused  with hazel because hazel has similar make- up. I had no idea I had really cool eyes. I always thought, Eh poop color eyes. I found a diverse  eye color chart that you can see which category your eyes might fall in

Monday, February 16, 2015

Recap..... Valentine's Day The Photos From The Zoo !

Welcome to Rear Window

        Sorry I hadn't posted the zoo photos. Well,They didn't turn  out the way that I'd hoped. Next on my list of lenses a better zoom far away tele-lens. My husband's father raised hawks,falcons and eagles. Ralph, my father in-law who passed long before I married my husband. I tribute this photo to Ralph. Enjoy!.

Arizona Golden Eagles
One Sleepy Coyote

 My first love of Big Cats! Mountain Lions/Puma?

 Faraway Giraffe  living in a zoo made Savannah paradise
One Lioness Pride

 ....... And One Hungry Tiger

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentine's Day Gift From My Awesome Husband!!

Welcome to Rear  Window
                                        Today I was Surprised with my own  HP Stream Laptop exclusively for my pictures and  web surfing.I think this is the best present I've ever received from a significant other. Babes,You did great I love it. Meanwhile today's festivities we're taking Harvey our son to the Phoenix Zoo.

Friday, February 13, 2015

...Rear Window Wants You To Have A Glass Or Read A Magazine...TGIF

Rear Window Welcomes You  
                Relax while reading a magazine with Grace Kelly have a drink with James Stewart........

      ............Because You deserve it.Thank  Goodness It's Friday! Rear Window says It's On The House.
Have a Wonderful Weekend.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Catpiration Catography Model named "Cat"

Welcome to Rear Window
Edited into B&W


Hello Fellas  
Today I have my lovely black cat "Cat" as my model. I posted a b&w photo with the original. I set the ISO 1600  to compensate for the time of day I was taking the picture. I increased the contrast to give  deeper rich black  tweaked the temperature,hue/tint ,and last the saturation to make the picture b&w.

Can you guess which movie "cat" got her name?

You guessed right It's from  "Breakfast At Tiffany's".

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Catspiration Catography...Cat model Elsa

Welcome to Rear Window

       Earlier I mentioned  posting  my pictures  home based. Notice I have the same photo  one Is  edited and other UN-edited. I used ISO 400 tweaked the color temp,saturation and adjusted highlights while I decreased  shadows. I keep a copy of the new tweaked photo and save  the original  for reference.I hope you enjoy  Catspiration

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Great News For My Son .... Even If You Aren't A Parent.

Great News for Harvard

     Yesterday, at work I received a call from Harvard's pediatrician  that Harvard's insurance is covering all his Rehab  physical  therapy,feeding therapy,and occupational therapy. As a parent  its been a struggle to get Harvey to eat regular foods he doesn't put anything in his mouth for the sake of curiosity. Part of me feels guilty cause its my first time  I don't know what the heck I am doing. Least I know for the next time around get proactive read the baby handouts from the doctor. I feel I failed as a parent that his only reason for going to these rehabilitation's cause I lacked  in making sure he reached his milestones.
     I am going to change as a parent. I am only going to be  on Internet devices while hes sleeping nap/bedtime. I am going to devout my time to my son. I am no longer going to slave away  my time to my tablet,phone,and Ipod. Clearly It's the reason my son has to do these  therapy's. I  feel ashamed as a parent for being really selfish  not taking the time  For

my son who can emotionally reward me as to giving my time to a device that can't  give me such a reward.

Monday, February 9, 2015

rear window now open for service

Rear Window welcomes You

    I picked this beloved movie  title as my blog theme. Rear Window has Class,Style,Grace and subtle Thrills which is relevant in anything going on today. Mostly I will be posting my photography  home based  that can make your life seem  far  less than boring than mine.Lastly Rear Window   inspired me to want to aspire to be like  James Stewart's character being a national geographic photographer in midst of danger,travel, and photography in real time........


I'll keep things proper with a proper introduction I am Alexa Nielsen I'm 25 married to a great guy and I am a mother to a happy bouncing baby boy. My husband  suggested I start a blog  so I can post my photos. I have a natural eye for art & photography .I participated in art in grade school on up to high school I did art & photography classes. In my spare-time I like DIY tutorials, Home makeovers,Shabby chic up-sale, jewelery making & anything artsy fartsy.