Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Update Sorta Thing



We have been busy this month. Harvey's therapy, me finishing work, and gearing up for the art show

  Harvey has been  doing well in O/T and P/T . Harvey's  last week in o/t is this thursday. Im a bit sad cause I really like  going to cardon's. I prefer going to Cardon's than having  the  State at home therapy . I  haven't seen them really do anything  its mostly talking to me and not really anything helping him  .The state thinks he has Sensory Processing Disorder. I on the other hand  disagree  I think he's stubborn and doesn't like change only if its in his own time. Harvey is beginning to pull to stand and trying to stand up on his own without assistance of the couch or object hes balancing from. I like to think its from going to all of his o/t and p/t appoinments at cardon's.


I just finished with work  until school starts again. I have been painting again.I am going to be in art show this friday. I am somewhat prepared  I ordered a card reader,business cards, and  ordered poster prints of my paintings to sell . I was thinking after the show I could have my bro build me a website to sell my future paintings and  my photography  and the photography i converted into paintings. I found  a couple apps that can convert your photos to paintings.I think that is super less time consuming and helpful.

I have  been working on my photography I have some  shots from before memorial weekend at Granite Reef the lower Salt River

Some shots taken  this memorial day weekend


Tuesday, April 28, 2015


come show your support!

What A Magnificent DAY!!!! I AM BOOKED FOR A SHOWCASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rear window Welcomes You!

                  Today I got the best news ever!!!!! I received a call from a organization RAW Natural Born Artists.org  they help feature artists to get exposure. I am booked for a showcase!!! my 1st show case I feel like a million dollars. I am a hard critic of my artwork. Apparently I must be really good otherwise they wouldn't have called, right? So I have my work cut out  for me I have to get painting like this week or weekend. Meanwhile I have to promote & gather decor for the booth   even possibly  business cards there is  so much more I never cared to think about til now!!

Come see my Show case Doors open 7:00pm-12am May 21st Monarch theater downtown phoenix General Admission/My artist ticket $15.00 +$1.95 I need 20 people to come support and have a great time there is going to be LIVE MUSIC & DJ a Fashion Show Make- Up artist photographers so much more .. Please when you buy your tickets online buy your tickets through my name & portal Thank you!!! RAWartists.org

       I need to sell approx.  20 tickets if I don't I have to make up the difference $300.00 yikes! I need all the help & support I can get I can't afford $300!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*****the reason why? they need YOU to help the community so artist's like me are able to participate and get exposure.



Thursday, April 23, 2015

Spring Catch Up and other things...

Greetings from Rear  Window!

          Definetly  been awhile. Harvey has  started his Physical  and Occupational therapy Harvey's therapist thinks he could be dealing with sensory processing disorder or sensery integragation disorder. To describe it   basically he is too aware of his surroundings  unlike most kids   arent aware of their surroundings they just go to the next thing The goal is to find what calms him and helps  make him focus.
April  has been  a heck of a month  for us  with starting  Harvey's therapy's. I feel a bit overwhelmed scheduling all these appointments putting them in my phone so I can hopefully remember.This past weekend we were suppose to go to Out of Africa wildlife park for my Birthday celebration we didn't get to it Harvey and I were sick  harvey had it before me  some how I caught the bug . I did manage to get some snap shots taken on Easter sunday and our furry feline  Mama "Cat".

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Projects Cramming Spring Break

Rear Window Welcomes You!

    Good News  Harvey had a early intervention evaluation he will have a follow up tomorrow. My last blog post sounded depressing. I was trying to express in a way from first reaction while I slightly tapered down  my realization I Got Over It! Any how I have been enjoying my spring break  I got a major accomplished project done !!! I up-cycled my nightstand and my lamp set.

  I think my improvement  makes  our room more put together and Fancy!!! Next on my project list is Jame's dresser  mirror set to match .

          I finished this painting  a week  or two ago  I'll be working on my second  Picasso style soon      

I am still working on my photography  this is my most recent taken this week of Elsa&Harvey

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Finding Joy In The Abyss....Even If You Are Not A Parent..Yet.

This past Monday I took Harvard to  his first occupational therapy evaluation. I wasn't surprised I kind of could see the news coming. As any parent you want what's best for your child  you don't want them to experience  hurt or shame because they learn differently.The therapist suggested Harvard might have  slight Hypotonia and low muscle tone. The therapist suggested  he needs a hearing check  also the therapist said he shows signs of development of a 9 month old by not  speaking or walking he's not able to stack cups or  place wood squares in a bowl just throws them down on the ground.The last suggestion the therapist  recommends  that Harvard go to a Developmental Pediatrician  up to when he's 18 years old. Part of me feels torn for my precious boy . I asked myself Did I do this? Did the hospital  Do this? Could it be from him rolling of the couch ? Is it from  when   my husband wouldn't let me give him formula when I wasn't producing enough breast milk  ? Am I stunting his growth? Am I not letting him do things on his own?  When I got home  I just broke down  sobbed  held my son in my arms and sobbed some more . My dreams for Harvey were crushed I wanted and hoped he'd be able to go to Harvard University  to study Harvard Law  I wanted the best for him I still do Harvard deserves the best care for whatever he's got  has or can work through. I hope  this can be manageable  possibly he can  outgrow but it could just be wishful thinking .I just wish he wouldn't have to go through what I went through from knowing my learning adversities.  Maybe this doesn't have anything to do about me but something bigger all on its own.The "Hurt & Mad" side of me would like to blame the hospital  for not calling the doctor when they  should of but hours later fully dilated 10 cm no baby coming out his nose hooked on my Pelvis Bone  finally they made the call . Harvard wasn't breathing when he came out from the c-section. Harvard could be brain damaged from lack of oxygen for who knows how long . The "What If" side of me wonders did I pass  this on to  my son  do I carry a faulty gene central nervous system  due to a faulty hereditary gene? Could Harvey be brain damaged from rolling of the couch 7 or so times? I feel horrible. I just want Harvey to be okay !!  I know this is in God's hands and that its going to be okay. I still think deep down maybe it's because I need to interact with him more maybe he doesn't get enough. If that's the case I feel ashamed again. I know he's getting help and I am grateful he is. I wish I could take this away I want to know what I can do to fix it. I am going to remain strong even if part of me is  sad, mad,and hurt. Last thing, Harvey is a extremely happy baby which sweetens the future obstacles and heavy loads we will face together. I have joy that my son is extremely happy despite everything going on. I find I am lucky  than most parents.


Monday, February 23, 2015

Intrigued by Eye Colors ....Amber Eyes or Wolf eyes

Welcome to Rear Window

Lately, I've been reading up on  eye color articles. I never knew Amber was considered a type of color for brown. I always thought eye color was brown ,blue,and green that's it. I was wrong ! Apparently, Amber eyes are rarest eyes including green, grey,black and violet. Amber colored eyes are most common in South Asia and South America's. Amber eyes have lipochrom which is also in green eyes which give pale color of green almost grey flecks and ripples.Amber eyes get confused  with hazel because hazel has similar make- up. I had no idea I had really cool eyes. I always thought, Eh poop color eyes. I found a diverse  eye color chart that you can see which category your eyes might fall in